Sunday, August 28, 2011

Statistical Analysis

Statistical analysis is normally referred to as a collection of methods that are used in processing large amount of information or data and also report the overall trends. Therefore, it is mainly useful when dealing with specific data. It provides different ways of reporting on how unusual event is actually based on certain historical data. For instance, our server normally uses different statistical analysis in order to examine tremendous amount of data that is produced everyday by stock market. Therefore, people prefer statistical analysis to other traditional forms of the technical analysis.

There are two different types of statistical analysis this include: descriptive and inferential statistics. Therefore, the major goal of this paper is to differentiate between two main types. To start with, descriptive statistics usually corresponds to the act of defining different characteristics of a given statistical measurement. Hence, it is based upon the methods and mechanisms that are employed to summarize and organize any raw data. So as to categorize that data from the random sample collected, many statisticians uses charts, tables, graphs and standard measurements like measurements of variation, average and percentiles.

There are many ways in which this type of statistic has been used for instance, in baseball. Statisticians spend a lot of effort and also time examining and summarizing data they usually get from the game. For instance in 1948, over six hundred games were played in the league of America. Therefore, so as to determine which team that had best batting average, a lot of effort was required. This is because they were required to take official scores for every game, make a list of each batter, then compute all the results of each, add total number of the hits made and also total number of different times at bat so as to calculate with the batting average. This proved to be a lot of work and more complicated.

Nevertheless, due to technology this has changed a lot. This is because the use of various computer statistical programs together with capability of incorporating statistical functions on the spreadsheet programs like excel shows that more detailed and complicated information can actually be collected, formatted and also presented with just a couple of key strokes. As result all these has made many statisticians to handle a lot of data and explore it in a systematic way with a short duration.

The second type is inferential statistics. It is mostly based upon measuring and choosing trustworthiness of the conclusion about certain population parameter that is based on information from random sample which is the reduced portion of the same population. One good example where inferential statistic applied is the political predictions. For instance, you find that in order to predict who will actually be the winner in an election like presidential election, sample of few thousand who are carefully chosen are asked whom they are going to vote.

Therefore, from the answers they end up giving, statisticians are able to infer or predict who will be voted in. Without doubt, the primary elements in this type are choosing general population that will be polled and the questions that they will be asked. Hence, inferential statistics highly relies on the results. Therefore it is easier to predict who will win the election. On the other hand, the sampling may sometimes give rise to inferences that are incorrect. Therefore many statisticians have tried to look for other ways of collecting data.

In conclusion, these two types are quite important in data collection. However, many people prefer using descriptive to inferential statistics this is because its results are more accurate.

Chapter 7 Bankruptcy and How It Works

For many individuals making the decision to file for bankruptcy is the most difficult step they will have to make in the process. Once they have finally arrived at the decision to file bankruptcy, they will have to examine their bankruptcy options. Not everybody will qualify for a Chapter 7 bankruptcy; those that don't can usually file a Chapter 13 bankruptcy instead.

Which bankruptcy is Chapter 7? Chapter 7 is the liquidation bankruptcy. If you have an excess of assets you may need to liquidate those assets in order to pay off your debts. The remaining debts will be discharged through the bankruptcy.

If this idea worries you - you don't need to be overly concerned. There are a number of exemptions for personal property that might protect your assets from liquidation. In fact, a large percentage of Chapter 7 filings are either covered under the exemptions or, the filers don't have any assets to turn over.

Chapter 7 is ideal for people who either don't have a regular job or don't have a steady source of income. Anyone who files for bankruptcy will have to submit to a bankruptcy means test. The means test compares your income for a household of your size to the median income of your state. If your income is below that figure - you automatically qualify for a Chapter 7. If your income is too high - your bankruptcy attorney will apply a standard formula that calculates allowable exemptions. If you still don't qualify for a Chapter 7, you will be diverted to filing a Chapter 13 bankruptcy instead.

Chapter 13 bankruptcy is a debt reorganization bankruptcy. With a Chapter 13 bankruptcy you pay off either all or a portion of your debts over a period of time. These payments are made over a period of three to five years at an amount you can comfortably afford.

You're probably curious as to what kinds of debts can be included in a Chapter 7 bankruptcy. First off, the debts that cannot be included in bankruptcy include child support, spousal support, student loans, court-ordered fines (e.g. traffic tickets), certain taxes (less than three years old) and victim restitution.

What can be included in Chapter 7 is unsecured debt such as: credit card debt, medical bills, utility bills, personal loans, and certain taxes (more than three years old). This can be extremely good news if you owe thousands of dollars in medical bills or credit card debt.

Chapter 7 bankruptcy is the simplest and quickest form of bankruptcy available. It can usually be completed within three to five months. In fact, many people think it's too good to be true - but it is not! It's real and it can offer much needed relief to individuals and families who are suffering from out of control debt. If you are contemplating bankruptcy - the best thing for you to do is contact a qualified bankruptcy attorney in your area.

Your lawyer will be able to sit down with you and listen to your situation. It should only take them a few short minutes to tell you what your best plan of action should be. They will be able to present your bankruptcy options or alternatives in a manner which you can easily understand. Calling an experienced bankruptcy lawyer will be the first step in reclaiming control over your finances!

Patriot Bankruptcy is a full-service bankruptcy law firm located in Boston, Massachusetts. They have spent years helping individuals and businesses afflicted with financial troubles. They will meet you with an open ear and will patiently listen to what you have to say. They will then employ their knowledge and experience when developing an effective solution to your problem. They take pride in helping people make the right choices when it comes to bankruptcy or its alternatives. Your initial consultation is free, and you will have a lot to gain from their priceless insight. Start taking action now to improve your situation - contact a Boston bankruptcy lawyer from their firm at (888) 453-FILE!

For additional information please visit the firm's website at

Differentiating Current Accounts With Savings Accounts

One of the most common struggles of new businessmen is to identify which type of bank account would work best for them - current or savings. This is the very same dilemma I faced when I barged into the world of business. I understand the difficulty of deciding over these matters so as my way of helping young businessmen I put together what I have personally learned to help those who are making this important decision. So how are current accounts different from savings accounts?

A current account may be termed as checking account. It is meant to help businessmen, enterprises, firm, companies - those that have numerous transactions with the bank everyday. Current accounts do not earn high interest compared with savings accounts because they generally cater to the principal's need of convenience.

Generally, a current account holder is issued a checkbook so he can make withdrawals through the issuance of check. But these have evolved so that, now, they can also accommodate deposits (including paychecks); allow withdrawals either directly at the bank or through bank-issued debit cards; and allow transfer of funds to the holder's other accounts. Basically, current account holders can add and deduct money whenever they please without any hassle at all.

On the other hand, saving accounts are opened primarily for the purpose of "saving" money. Generally, people open this type of account to save some amount to defray unplanned and emergency financial requirements. Thus, it functions like a safety deposit box where the holder keeps his excess cash. Depending on the bank, charges may be imposed for withdrawals made to the account, but they are normally minimal in amount.

On another note, most banks require both types of accounts to maintain an average daily balance or ADB. But current accounts usually require higher maintaining balance compared with savings account to cover possible debits for issued checks. On both types of accounts, the bank will charge a certain amount whenever the cash balance falls below the required ADB. Both current and savings accounts also earn interests. Banks pay the holders interest for the money stored in the account.

In most cases, savings account holders are issued with savings passbook. The passbook documents the credits and debits to the account; i.e., deposits and interests earned, and withdrawals and taxes paid.

These are the basic differences (and similarities) between savings accounts and current accounts. The decision on whether to open a current or a savings account lies purely on the needs of the holder - whichever product serves his interest best.

Jason O. Joaquin is an accountant and freelance business consultant. Currently, he is employed as Internal Audit Manager in a group of companies in southern Philippines.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Phones Make Expense Reporting Easy and Quick

The life of a professional is muddled with boring paperwork. Often they find themselves filling out forms instead of working on more principal tasks. This is especially the case with traveling professionals - receipts and expense reporting paperwork stack up in their briefcases and brains, distracting them from the tasks at hand. Unfortunately, expense reporting is the norm for any business. The headaches and frustration of expense reporting are no longer part of that, thanks to the arrival of expense related smart phone applications. One phone takes the place of stacks of paperwork, broken pencils, and tedium.

One such expense tracking application that I reviewed is ProOnGo Expense. ProOnGo, a relatively new expense tracking app, allows your employees to get the boring business of paperwork out of the way quickly and with no effort. All you need is a smart phone. The app is available for iPhone, Blackberry, Android, and Windows Mobile, so ProOnGo is available for everyone, no matter what their platform. Start with a cost-free trial, then choose between four assorted pricing plans. These make ProOnGo convenient and affordable for large businesses, smaller businesses, and individuals too. After all, everyone could use a convenient fix for expense reporting.

Here's how it works: Take a picture of a receipt, and ProOnGo does the rest. The amount, place, and date are entered for you. Then, send off your expense to your manager for approval. The manager can then approve, deny, or add comments. It's as simple as that. This process is basically true of all the expense reporting apps I looked at.

ProOnGo is not just straight expense reporting. There are more features as well. A cool time-tracking feature keeps track of the time you spend with clients. And the time you spend with clients is the time you can bill to clients. Also, ProOnGo has a mileage recording feature. You can either manually enter in the miles you've traversed or you can record it from the GPS on your phone. Trying to recall miles, gas prices, and the like no longer drives you bonkers.

ProOnGo syncs up with Quickbooks through the Intuit App Center. You can directly upload your records to your Quickbooks Online or Quickbooks for Windows program. You can also upload them to an Excel spreadsheet. From your smart phone to your computer, now your reports are organized and at your fingertips.

Easy to understand, straightforward, and quick, ProOnGo proves itself to be the top-notch app for expense tracking and reporting. I would recommend this application to any professional who deals with expenses reporting and management and enjoys convenience.

What Types Of Proceedings Are Handled By A Bankruptcy Attorney?

Bankruptcy is an unfortunate situation, which can occur in the lives of both seasoned entrepreneurs and novice businessmen. While filing insolvency at the court has many benefits like getting relief from harassing creditors' calls and burden of loans; it also has a negative impact on the credit ratings. In a personal insolvency case, there are basically two types of proceedings - under Chapter 7 and Chapter 13. Both the types have their own unique conditions and clauses. Are you also thinking of filing insolvency? You might not be aware of those complex legal clauses and conditions but, a lawyer does. A bankruptcy attorney deals with both the types of proceedings (Chapter 7 and Chapter 13). Although it is very difficult to mention all the legal clauses and explain the happenings of both the cases, here's a brief introduction to both the types that a lawyer deals with:

Chapter 7

This is also known as straight bankruptcy. It is basically a liquidation process that the bankruptcy attorney supervises. In this proceeding a trustee is appointed by the court to liquidate your property. Your bankruptcy attorney will make a list of your non-exempt property and will provide it to the trustee. The trustee then converts the property into cash with which s/he pays off your loans. It will take a few months to get discharged from the case. But, remember - you should file a case under Chapter 7 only if you have no assets of immense value to lose. Many people tend to file for Chapter 7 proceedings without consulting with an experienced lawyer. Do not make the same mistake and let an expert represent you at the court of law.

Chapter 13

It is basically known as reorganization bankruptcy. Those who have a steady income and wish to pay off their debts over a stretched period of time file for proceedings under Chapter 13. A bankruptcy lawyer is competent to handle litigation and other tasks related to the cases under Chapter 13. An attorney will handle all the paperwork related to the case. Moreover, documents related to your income and debts have to be collected. All these tedious tasks are handled professionally by a bankruptcy attorney.

So, you can see that appointing an experienced attorney is the right decision to make if you want to get relief from your unsecured debts and start your life afresh. S/he is competent enough to deal with every type of legal proceedings related to bankruptcy law. Do you need a bankruptcy attorney? Worchester County comprises is the address of a few of the renowned and experienced attorneys whom you can approach for necessary consultation and representation.

Bankruptcy attorney Lowell - At Worchester County based DiFonte & Panagiotidis, LLC Attorneys at Law, highly qualified and experienced attorneys can help you determine the bankruptcy protection that best fits your financial situation and guide you through the process.

How Much Do You Charge For A Chapter 7?

Of all the questions I get asked on a daily basis, this is the last question anyone should be asking of their bankruptcy attorney. Bankruptcy is very complicated and very technical and if done right, it can get you a fresh financial start in life. If done wrong, then you can lose your assets and defeat the purpose of bankruptcy. Your Detroit Bankruptcy Lawyer provides a service, and shopping for a bankruptcy lawyer is very different than price shopping for a DVD player. Here is why.

When someone asks me this question, I can't quote you a price because I may not even know if you are even eligible for a Chapter 7. Many questions are going through my mind, like is there a presumption of abuse with the means test? This question is the same as asking your doctor, "my head hurts, how much do you charge for brain surgery?"

Also, each case is unique. When you first call, I have no idea about your case. Every case has different creditors, different assets, and different protections. If I were to treat every case the same, then I am not doing my job in protecting your rights. We are dealing with bankruptcy, not making cookies. So why would you want a cheap cookie cutter attorney? I understand you are stressing out and fearful of losing everything you worked hard for. That is why I can't treat every case the same, thus I can't give you a price over the phone without meeting you first.

You might think, "I have a simple case". Any bankruptcy attorney will tell you there is no such thing as a simple case. You are in debt and it is crushing you. Do you really think it is simple? Would you want me to really treat your case as "simple"? I treat every case on an individual basis. I will give you the attention your case deserves and I will answer questions you have that are special to your case. I remember my criminal procedure professor explaining what "minor surgery" is. Minor surgery is the surgery other people have. Don't sell yourself short by thinking you have a "simple case".

But bankruptcy is just filling out a bunch of forms, so why can't you give me a price over the phone? Bankruptcy is much more than filling out forms. This is what bankruptcy petition preparers do, and they are not trained in substantive bankruptcy law. I am a trained bankruptcy lawyer who can analyze your situation and determine the correct course to take. I will advise you 1) if bankruptcy is an option; 2) what chapter to file under; 3) When to file. This is all part of the service a bankruptcy lawyer will provide to you.

Remember what you are trying to accomplish. You are trying to eliminate your debt and eliminate the stress in your life. If you need to get rid of $100,000 of debt, are you really being served by the cheapest lawyer in town? IF they are the cheapest, will they really be responsive to your needs? You will get what you pay for. You are running the risk of not getting a discharge of your debt, and maybe losing some assets that may have been otherwise protected by an attorney who devotes the time to your case.

If you are thinking about bankruptcy, you need to treat this as a very serious situation (which it is) and not go around town shopping. You are trying to get out of debt, not buy a toaster. I offer a free, no obligation consultation. I will analyze your situation and let you know what I can do to help. This consultation will cost you nothing but an hour of your time to meet with me. You will get your questions answered, including what it will cost to file. You wouldn't buy a house or car without looking at them first, so treat your bankruptcy lawyer the same way. We are just as important.

Call your Detroit Bankruptcy Lawyer today at (586) 439-4297, Extension 0, and set up your free consultation. Get the straight facts on bankruptcy. If you need more information, visit our website and sign up for our free bankruptcy E-Course and monthly newsletter.

My name is Kevin C. Johnson and I am an attorney located in Mt. Clemens, Michigan. I practice in the areas of consumer bankruptcy, criminal defense, and divorce. I offer a free consultation for any of your legal questions. Call me at (586) 439-4297 or email me at Visit my website at and sign up for my free mailing list, which includes a bankruptcy E-Course (a $200.00 value) and free monthly newsletter.

Car Loan Lenders Want Bad Credit Borrowers With No Money Down

Every day hundreds of borrowers are approved for no money down bad credit car loans. Just because you have bad credit does not mean you do not need wheels. And often folks just do not have a huge pile of cash to plop down for a car, truck, SUV or other vehicle that they may need for work or family. Lenders are looking for borrowers with bad credit who need a decent car and they are not looking for you to put one cent down.

No matter how awful, your credit rating is not important.

During these recessionary times many folks have taken hits on their credit reports. Joblessness is a big reason, illness or injury can figure in, sometimes it is just a matter of bad luck. These past problems are meaningless to the bad credit car loan lenders. About the only requirements are a a dependable job and a salary large enough that you can comfortably cover the monthly payments. Even if you have experienced bankruptcy, judgments or repossessions, you are welcome to apply.

The vehicle becomes the collateral for the loan.

You see, the car you drive away in is collateral enough to cover the loan. The lender will put a lien on the vehicle that will be filed at the local court house. The lien will remain in effect until you have paid for the vehicle according to the terms of the contract you will have signed. Should you default on the loan, the lien allows the lender to seize the vehicle and sell it to cover the cost of the loan.

Unscrupulous dealers prey on those with bad credit who need a car.

Bad credit car loans are great for those who would usually have to deal with buy-here, pay-here car lots. Some of these fellows are so bad, they buy cars at auction that are ready for the scrap heap. Then they gussy them up with a few minor repairs and some detailing. These guys usually ask for a hefty down payment. Sometimes the car breaks down before the buyer an get it home. With a bad credit car loan, there is no down payment worry and the vehicles you purchase with such a loan will have a warranty to protect you and the lender.

Looking online provides many bad credit car loan opportunities.

If you have bad credit, traditional bank and mortar lenders such as banks and credit unions are going to be a hard draw for a car loan. Online lenders have a very high approval rate. You can even find brokers who will enter your general information and find a list of lenders willing to cover your loan at the interest rates and repayment terms you would find comfortable. As with any online transactions, take steps to protect your identity and your financial security. The application process is relatively easy and usually paperless. You will have to provide bona fides such as proof of identity and residence as well as proof of job and salary. The approval process is rapid, too.

Having your financing in hand is a real confidence builder.

With your financing in hand, it will be a lot easier to negotiate the price of your prospective vehicle purchase. You will not feel trapped on the car lot with a dealer standing next to a car you really do not like and waving loan papers in your face. All the while he telling you he is doing you a favor. Finding a bad credit car loan is not as hard as you think and it take a lot pressure out of the purchasing process. So, do not let a bad credit history get in the way of finding a bad credit car loan with no down payment.

Hilary Bowman is the author of this article. She works successfully as a financial advisor with years of expertise on Unsecured Loans. Hilary publishes informative articles about loans for bad credit and other financial topics at

Why Choose Chapter 7 Bankruptcy?

Today's economy has left many people unable to meet all of their obligations. Sometimes debt can get out of control, especially when faced with unemployment or disability. There are plenty of options to assist those who are overwhelmed by debt including refinancing, debt management plans and bankruptcy. When assets are at a minimum and there is no way to make ends meet, bankruptcy may be the best option.

Most consumers file either a Chapter 13 or a Chapter 7 bankruptcy. In a Chapter 13 case, the debtor repays a portion of the debt owed, usually over a three to five year term. During this time, a trustee will oversee the payments and they will closely control spending and finances. A Chapter 7 bankruptcy offers consumers a fresh start as it will eliminate the majority of unsecured debt. Chapter 7 bankruptcy is a good solution for consumers who have a limited income and will not have the means to support themselves while repaying their debt.

There are several advantages to filing a Chapter 7 bankruptcy. Typically, the case is closed within three to six months from the date of filing. At the completion of the process, the debt is eliminated and the consumer can start a new financial life. Another advantage is that the creditors must stop attempting to collect a debt once the bankruptcy is filed. This not only puts an end to calls and notices, but it also ends wage garnishments, repossessions and foreclosure proceedings.

There are a few drawbacks to filing a Chapter 7 case. Certain debts are not dischargeable in the bankruptcy and they will have to be repaid. This includes student loans, child support and tax obligations. If these items are the bulk of the debt, a Chapter 7 case may not help get finances under control. Additionally, by filing Chapter 7, certain property may be liquidated or sold to pay off some of the outstanding debt. Although this does not happen often, it is still a possibility.

The filing process for Chapter 7 is simple. It requires the filing of a petition, schedules of debts, property and assets and a statement of finances. After this is accepted, a meeting of creditors will be scheduled. This meeting is with the Trustee assigned to the case, the debtor, and any creditors that wish to attend. After this meeting, any assets that are not exempt will be sold and profits will be distributed among the creditors. If no other issues arise, the case is then discharged within the next six months and all of the eligible debt is erased.

Chapter 7 bankruptcy can help those struggling financially start over and rebuild their credit. The process is straightforward and it may be the fastest way to eliminate the burden and stress of uncontainable debt. Although bankruptcy can be filed by an individual, contacting a lawyer will ensure that the forms are filed properly and the bankruptcy goes through as quickly as possible.

Chapter 7 bankruptcies are designed for individuals who can't pay all their debts. If you're needing assistance and don't want to deal with filing yourself, contact an Alabama bankruptcy attorney to help you out.

How Will My Boyfriends Bankruptcy And Credit Affect My Credit?

In this report you will discover how your boyfriend's bankruptcy and credit will or will not affect your credit.

The answer to this really depends on your financial relationship. Here are a few situations that will help to further explain how your boyfriend's bankruptcy can credit may or may not affect your credit.

Future Marriage
Finances would definitely be a topic of discussion before getting married if there has been a bankruptcy. How long has it been? Has he begun to reestablish his credit? Or will this continue to be an issue throughout your marriage? Learn the circumstances behind his bankruptcy.

Bankruptcies are tracked through social security numbers. If you are planning on getting married, the good news is that credit ratings are not transferable from one social security number to another. Therefore your credit will not be affected once you walk down the aisle. Just as his poor credit rating will not hurt you, your positive credit rating cannot help him either.

Cosigned Contracts
If you and your boyfriend are partners on any contract such as an automobile or cell phone and he defaults on these with the bankruptcy, you could be affected. In this case, each person that went into this type of financial agreement is responsible for the borrowed money. To avoid this situation damaging your credit, do not allow him to discharge any of these types of loans or contracts. Be sure to continue to pay these bills on time. If this is not done, then yes, it will affect your credit negatively.

Mortgage Loan
If there is a mortgage in both names and you are in arrears on the loan, this could impact your credit in a negative way. If the amount in arrears was included in the bankruptcy, this will show on your credit rating. If there were no arrears and a plan is made with the lender to continue making the mortgage payments as normal, you will want to be sure to adhere to that agreement to avoid damaging your credit.

Purchases in the Future
If you plan to purchase a home in the future, your boyfriend's bankruptcy and credit will affect you. Lenders typically combine the two credit scores and take an average of these, creating a combined credit score. This will result in a higher interest rate and create more difficulty when trying to obtain a loan for a house. Any bankruptcy is a red flag to mortgage companies.

Reestablishing Credit
A bankruptcy will remain on your boyfriend's credit report for 10 years. As soon as possible, he will want to get a secured credit card, make his payments on time to begin to reestablish his credit. He needs to regain the trust of lenders, by slowly building up his credit score.

By the way, do you want to learn more about how I show my clients to save money on their vehicles?

If so, download my free eBook here: How to Buy Smart so you'll know if you are paying the right price for your vehicle.

Enjoy Car Ownership With Novated Lease Agreement

Most people cannot imagine living without the freedom and convenience that ownership of a vehicle provides. But owning a car is not free from hassles. You either need to take a loan or make a sizeable payment upfront. Is there an alternative? Yes, you can own a car of your choice with novated lease.

Novated lease is a method of salary packaging a car. Under this system the employee leases the car and the company owner takes on the employee's obligation of paying the monthly lease rental from the employee's pre-tax salary. In short, a novated lease is a three-way agreement between the employer, employee, and the lease company.

Australian businesses offer employees novated lease as part of a financial package agreement. This type of alternative salary-sacrifice arrangement has become very popular with the employees.

What Is So Special In This Type Of Auto Finance Arrangement?

It is a slew of benefits that attracts people to novated lease arrangement.

Savings On Tax

* Tax authorities will consider your car as a company vehicle. So, you benefit on tax.

* Goods and Service Tax (GST) credits on the initial vehicle purchase.

* GST credits on running costs including all costs incurred on tires and fuel.

* Lower taxation provided by fringe benefit tax when you package the entire lease through your pre-tax salary.

Savings On Purchase Price

* You can benefit from corporate fleet discount programs.

* Fleet management will afford your savings on running costs when your car gets discounts on servicing and maintenance.


* The vehicle will be of your choice.

* You have the option of building equity on your vehicle. If at the end of the lease period, the car's market value is higher, you benefit from the difference.

* Even if you leave your present job, you can still novate the lease to your next employer, so the vehicle remains with you.

How To Compute The Costs Involved In Novated Leasing?

The costs that lead up to the total amount take into account the cost of the vehicle plus accessories, the lease term, the prevailing interest rates, and the computed market value of the car at the end of the lease term.

Getting started

The process is simpler than you think. Typically, it consists of the following steps.

* Obtaining a quote from a dealer.

* Submitting a credit application.

* Confirmation of the credit approval by the car dealer.

* Completion and submission of lease documents with necessary inputs from your employer.

* Delivery of the vehicle.

* Notification to your employers and arranging of payroll deductions.

Once you take the delivery of the vehicle, do not forget to take all the benefits the dealer has offered with this form of auto financing. These can include roadside assistance and motor club membership. Most car dealers have extensive network of maintenance facilities where you can negotiate substantial discounts on labor cost and spare parts.

Novated lease is packed with benefits. Do not miss the opportunity to save money as well as all the hassles to keep the car on the road.

Novated Lease in Australia is a tax effective way to use your income tax to save thousands of dollars off and reduce your tax at the same time. A Novated Lease is something you should consider.

Don't Procrastinate, Hire A Bankruptcy Attorney To Avoid An Emergency Filing

Many people have idiosyncrasies and personality flaws, one of the worst ones to have is procrastination. It's easy to procrastinate on going to the store or calling someone back, but when it comes to financial matters like paying bills, it is not a good idea to put it off. When people procrastinate about paying their bills, they usually wait until the ninth hour to file for bankruptcy. Filing bankruptcy and procrastination usually go hand-in-hand in the lives of people that are having financial difficulties. Being buried in debt can be scary and making the move to file for bankruptcy can even seem scarier. In the beginning stages of financial trouble, filing for bankruptcy seems like an option that can be resolved with a loan modification, getting help from your family or getting the creditors to waive some payments so you can get caught up. Many times, the fear of the unknown of jumping into a bankruptcy filing can paralyze an individual with fear until something big happens that forces the debtor's hand.

It's normal for many people to put off filing bankruptcy as long as they can. In many cases, they feel like something good might happen that will bail them out of their trouble. In reality, as long as the debtor isn't taking money out of their 401(k) or borrowing more to pay down debts, there won't be any irreparable damage. There are some things that can happen that will complicate the individual's bankruptcy filing. Basically, it will give a bankruptcy attorney more damage control to do.

When a debtor defaults on their debt, the first thing a creditor will do is file a lawsuit against the debtor for the balance owed. If the debtor doesn't respond, the creditor will get a judgment against the debtor. Once the creditor gets the judgment they can file a wage garnishment and start garnishing the debtor's wages. If this is done prior to filing bankruptcy, a bankruptcy attorney will have to send the agency that serves the wage garnishment and the employer that the debtor is filing for bankruptcy to stop the wage garnishment. If the debtor knows they are being sued, they shed contact a bankruptcy attorney immediately and possibly avoid the loss of wages and the hassle incurred to remove the wage garnishment.

It seems many people wait right up until the eve of the foreclosure sale date of their house and then call the bankruptcy attorney to see if they can do an emergency bankruptcy filing to stop the foreclosure sale. Don't get me wrong, it can be done, but it might be hard to find a bankruptcy attorney that would have the time and the patience to jump at last minute and file for the procrastinating client. If the debtor waits too long and the foreclosure sale happens, this sale is final and it's next to impossible to reverse it. It takes time to prepare a bankruptcy petition and most of the time, a bankruptcy attorney doesn't want to be rushed unless the client is willing to pay a premium.

When it comes to filing bankruptcy it's much better to be proactive instead of procrastinating. The individual can avoid a lot of headaches and even save some money on the legal fees a bankruptcy attorney would charge them. The more involved the bankruptcy filing, the more the cost. Before your financial situation gets out of control, consult a bankruptcy attorney to avoid any additional cost and damage.

The author started FilingBankruptcyNow.Com which is a website that helps individuals with debt problems by putting them in touch with a local bankruptcy attorney that specializes in bankruptcy under Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 bankruptcy. Check our website for more answers to bankruptcy questions and ideas on how to have a debt free future.

Dump Truck Financing - It's Easier Than You Think

Financing a dump truck is different from financing a car, pickup truck, or any other vehicle. A dump truck buyer will probably find dump truck financing to be easier to get and more readily available than other types of commercial financing. For the most part, the reason for this is the high value of dump trucks and their high earning potential. Lenders still strictly view finance applications, but they are able to afford more flexibility in dump truck financing for these reasons.

Lenders, in fact, are very aggressive in promoting dump truck financing. Obviously this is because loans for these trucks are profitable to lenders and are reliably serviced and paid by borrowers. This is an interesting distinction from most forms of commercial financing, and even most vehicle financing of any kind, in that vehicle loans can generally be hard to qualify for and secure. Dump truck loans, however, are seemingly more easily obtainable. Financing is available for both new and used dump trucks.

Applicants for any kind of vehicle financing are normally screened as to creditworthiness. An applicant's credit score will affect vehicle financing availability, as well as the rate and terms. The same is true with dump truck financing, but in fact many lenders feature financing targeted to buyers with bad credit. Credit is still an issue and lenders do qualify buyers in terms of credit, but buyers with bad credit are not excluded from financing. Given the high value of a dump truck and its potential profitability, lenders are able to extend credit to many buyers who might not normally qualify for vehicle financing due to credit.

Lenders also stress the simplicity of applying for financing for these trucks, and looking at lenders' websites, the process does seem simple. Applications are short, and lenders indicate that credit decisions are often made in one day or less. This is commercial financing, but financial statements are generally not required with an application. Applications seem to focus more on the type of equipment to be financed, and less on the party it is to be financed for. Lenders ask for details on the truck to be financed, such as type of truck, including standard, articulated, or transfer, make, model, and year, along with details on the bed and lift mechanism. Lenders also ask where the vehicle will be operated from, allowing even for the truck to be based at the owner's home. Borrower details are also collected, including information on the operating company, if any, and details on the individual buyer or buyers. Social security numbers are taken from the individuals, and applications do require a release of credit information from the borrower. The applications are credit applications. Some applications, though, also ask the applicant to merely estimate his or her credit score or Fair Isaac Corporation (FICO) score.

The hauling business can be a very profitable business. These types of trucks have the potential to earn very high incomes and create substantial cash flow for an operator. They also command high values, with new ones commonly selling for more than $200,000, and even used trucks three and four years old selling for $50,000 and more. Buyers needing financing will find financing to be available, even in the case of poor or bad credit. Of course, lenders are always strict in granting loan approvals as it is always necessary for a lender to have success in collecting loans. Still, given the unique business characteristics of these types of trucks, financing standards may be more flexible.

Capital Solutions is a dump truck financing company specializing in customers with bad credit. We finance semi trucks, dump trucks, and other work trucks for people in all 50 states. We can be contacted at

How to Lower Car Payments

If you are like many people all over the country, then you are most likely having trouble making ends meet. This specific doesn't mean that you are fully behind in your bills and other expenses. In all likelihood, however, you are probably trouble budgeting a little extra extra cash. After making book or mortgage payments, you could realize that you have tiny left over to spend. If this sounds like a familiar scenario, then you need to start considering ways to save some money each month. The simplest way to do this is to learn to reduce your car payments.

If you are trying to figure out the reasons you now need to learn how to reduce your car payments, there could be a number of different reasons. Some people were just in better economic situations a few years ago. Perhaps the future looked brighter. It's also possible that some new expenses have arisen which make the payment plan you chose now seem nearly impossible to keep up with. Here is a term to the wise. The final thing you want to do is to gets behind. Even one overtime can hurt your credit and make that it is hard to refinance your car loan. For this reason, you want to end trouble before that begins.

You can learn how to lower your car payments the easy way by going online. Lots of people who are not acquainted with using the internet for this reason is probably not sure how to begin, or perhaps some might not know that this was a chance. The truth, however, is actually you want to refinance your automobile loan, your best bet will be to go online and discover some alternatives outside of the world of the big banking institutions and major loan providers.

You want to begin by discovering a website that will allow one to get some of the most aggressive free quotes relating to auto refinancing. This can be a smartest way to figure out how to reduce your car installments. Before you start the process, sit down and do a little records. Figure out how much you are making per month and full your other expenses. You will also want to make sure that there is a reasonable number when it comes to basic living expenses. By looking into making a smart car finance decision, you can better live your life and not feel anxiety each and every month.

About the Author: Chris Goodman has been in the auto finance business for more than 20 years and has assisted thousands of consumers with their car loan needs. He is an expert on auto loans and auto refinance. Find more information at online at and see how easy it is to get your next car loan.

How Bankruptcy Can Actually Relate To Financial Gain

Petitioning for financial insolvency sometimes is the only option a person might have given his inability to pay back his debt. Learning how to file bankruptcy can be a daunting task which is why most people hire an experienced attorney to file their petition which for many people is the best option. The whole bankruptcy process can be very complicated so most people would be wise to hire an experienced attorney.

People contemplating a petition for financial dissolution should take to heart that this is not the end of their world because many people have become wealthy after filing for financial insolvency. Many modern millionaires tout the fact that they rose from financial ruin with a determination to succeed and now enjoy great wealth despite their past financial failures. People whose petition for insolvency is approved should realize that they have been given another chance and should look not backward but forward to financial prosperity.

People filing for financial insolvency can take heart that calls from creditors are required to stop. The court will actually warn creditors to stop calling and harassing petitioners once the petitioner has filed for court protection. If the calls persist the court will in some cases levy a fine against the creditor and in some cases prosecute the creditor who continues to harass the petitioner.

The petitioner can rely on his lawyer to guide him through the complex legal process which involves the proper submission of credit reports, asset reports, and other financial records. Most individuals file for chapter 7 dissolution which is in essence a wiping clean of the financial slate and all debts are discharged. Some business owners will file for chapter 13 which is in essence a repayment plan so that the business can remain open.

A business can continue to operate if a chapter 13 dissolution is petitioned if the company has the ability to pay back its creditors under a modified payment plan and if the company can show a reasonable level of profitability. The petitioner's attorney is responsible for showing the company's ability to remain profitable. The attorney will also be responsible to show that the company will be able to meet its new repayment obligations.

Most people in debt turn to an attorney to assist them with the filing process because most people have no idea how the legal process works. Some lawyers will charge a flat fee for their services while other attorneys charge an hourly fee. Lawyers must provide a work contract that is easy to understand to their client before any work can begin.

Petitioning for insolvency is a tough decision to make but there are instances when there simply is no other choice. Most individuals have no idea of how to file bankruptcy which is why for most individuals seeking court protection to hire a lawyer. The individual seeking court protection from creditors should not feel bad because bankruptcy is not the end of one's financial future but the beginning of one's financial future.

Have a peek at our tips on how to file bankruptcy and everything you need to know about where to find a top orange county attorney. You will receive a free Special Report written by Attorney Brownfield sharing his own personal bankruptcy story and his life challenges on his road to recovery at

Financing Your Car Repairs

In most households around the country, the family car is one of the most important tools to keeping a modern family running on all cylinders. These family cars are getting pretty expensive these days, so it's important to protect that investment as well as possible. It's also important to keep the vehicle safe for driving the little ones around town. As you well know, this can get really expensive, and can happen at the absolute worst time financially speaking. If you haven't ever thought about it, or maybe you haven't ever heard of it, but you should consider Auto Repair Financing to help pay for expensive auto repairs.

It seems like it's possible to finance just about anything in the world these days. Unfortunately, this is part of the reason that the economy is in the shape that it's in today. The main reason for most of the problems associated with financing anything, is the fact that the borrower is not educated enough on the loan process. This usually means not knowing the terms, interest rates, and fees associated with their loan. Not being aware of every fee and interest charge on your loan, can really cause some serious issues down the road. The last thing you want to do is fall behind on any type of loan, and dig yourself into a deeper hole than the one you started in. So before you go out and apply for a loan to help fix your car, there are a few things to consider.

Where To Apply For Auto Repair Financing?

The best way to go about financing your automotive repairs, is to get a personal loan from a trusted lender. Personal loans are terrific, and can be used for just about anything you may need some extra cash for. These type of loans come in two different forms, Secured and Unsecured. A secured personal loan is going to be backed by some form of collateral, and an unsecured loan is not and based mainly on your credit score.

These type of personal loans are great for auto repair financing, and are available to a wide range of borrowers. If you have poor credit, you will most likely be looking at a secured personal loan. If your credit history is above average, you may qualify for an unsecured personal loan to help with your car repair bills.

If you adhere to a strict set of principles when applying for a personal loan, you should have no problems getting the loan you need and the rate you deserve.

For more information on Auto Repair Financing, and for help finding the right lender for your personal loans, visit John's blog at Auto Repair Loan.

Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Sans Attorney

For some people, the idea of filling for Chapter 7 bankruptcy without the aid of an experienced attorney may seem like a sure fire way to save some extra money. And indeed, that may be the case. However, with the complexities of current bankruptcy laws, you should keep in mind that choosing to file without the help of a Chapter 7 bankruptcy attorney will not provide you with an easy out in regard to the process at large. People choose to pay lawyers to handle situations such as these for a reason. And If you are not careful and well aware of the road in front of you, it can be easy to get in over your head. In this article, we will outline a few tips to help you file on your own.

Step 1 - Head on down to your local office supply store and pick up the necessary forms for filling. You can pick out the forms individually or opt for a packet that includes them all. In total, you should have the following forms: Voluntary Petition (Official Form1); Notice to Debtor by Bankruptcy Petition Preparer; Notice to Individual Debtor With Primarily Consumer Debts Under 11 U.S.C. and 342 (B); Exhibit D to Official Form 1; and Statement of Social Security Number (Official Form 21).

Step 2 - Locate and attend a local credit counseling course before filing. If you are filing with your spouse, make sure that both of you attend. Make sure to hold onto your completion certificate in order to prove that you have sought counseling.

Step 3 - Complete your current monthly income statement. Keep in mind that your monthly income must be under your state's specified income average in order to qualify. If you are a disabled veteran, make sure to fill out the corresponding section in order to obtain an exemption from this rule. Next, sit down and complete all the forms obtained in step 1. Be sure to complete as many lines as you can. If a line does not apply to you, simply write NA in the blank. Make copies for your records.

Step 4 - Head down to your Federal Bankruptcy Court and submit your forms. The court will review the information and send you a notice in the weeks to come. Be aware that at this point, your creditors have been informed that you have filed, and have received information regarding the location of the hearing. Your creditors are provided the opportunity to challenge you if they so choose, and may show up.

Step 5 - Locate a personal financial management course before your hearing date. Once you have completed the course, be sure to file Form 23 with the bankruptcy court. Make sure to show up early to the hearing and pay attention; sitting in an area where it is not difficult to hear the speaker. You will likely be in a courtroom with other individuals who are filing as well. The answers they provide will likely be similar to those in your hearing. A letter of debt discharge will be sent to you upon completion.

When in search of a san jose chapter-7 bankruptcy attorney residents want someone who they can trust. For more information please visit

Series 31 Exam

The futures and commodities industry has brokers and traders with various required licenses. The Series 3 - Series 30 and the Series 31. The 31 is the Futures Managed Fund License. It is a fairly short 45 question multiple choice test that is taken on computer and the results are given at time of completion. The Series 31 exam does not require company affiliation prior to taking the exam. Other Broker license exams do. The Series 31 can be taken by registering through American Investment Training and using the U-10 form. The form can be sent out with the training course by request.

When and where can the test be taken?

Once your registration has been received and completed, you can take the exam at Prometric test centers based on seat availability and the nearest test center to you. The Series 31 is available to be taken daily. Monday to Saturday are usually the open days.

The positives to getting this license include having a license "in hand" when you are seeking employment in the futures and commodities industry. Futures firms consider having licenses obtained prior to seeking a broker or trader position a big plus. This also holds true for the Series 3 and Series 30 exams. The Series 3 in the primary license to trade in the futures and commodities markets. It is also a more comprehensive exam than the 31. They are separate licenses with different functions, so it is best to get both. Having the 3 and 31 allows you to qualify for more positions at the firm.

Series 31 Topics

The 31 test includes all relevant topics including:

General market knowledge

1. Definition and significance of

• Margin
• Futures and forward contracts
• Price limits
• Open interest
• Offsetting contracts
• "Marking-to-market"
• Settlement
• Spread trades
• Basis
• Hedging
• Yield curve
• Cost of carry
• Leverage
• Price volatility

Disclosure Statements
Customer Account Rules

If the exam is failed, the student must wait 30 days before re-taking the exam. If the test is failed 3 times, the student must wait 6 months.

Keys to Passing the Test

As with most broker exams, studying consistently and passing accurate practice exams will help you pass the test on the first attempt. Since the test is short and not as complex as the Series 3 or certainly the Series 7 (General Registered Representative License), 2-3 weeks of consistent study time and passing the practice tests can give you the edge to passing the Series 31.

Test centers are available nationwide with most state having a center within close distance to most test takers.

Consider the Series 31 before entering the futures and commodities industry. Series 31 Study Material is available.

Best of luck in your career!

Nick Hunter is the Training Director for American Investment Training. AIT is the leading training company for all securities licenses. They offer Investment Broker Training for over 20 different securities and futures exams - including trading courses for individuals.

Living Like A Rock Star Might Force You Into Filing Bankruptcy

Living beyond your means is becoming the norm rather than the exception for people living in the US today. America has become addicted to stuff. Everyone wants to be famous and have all the things that famous people have. This is becoming a serious problem as many young people will do anything and I mean anything to have fame. This is one reason for the success of YouTube. Individuals do stupid stuff and post it on YouTube with hopes of millions viewing it and all this is done without acknowledging the side effects to their behavior. Another phenomenon is the popularity of reality shows. I don't understand why anyone would act like a New York City Housewife. Many people emulating this behavior put themselves in danger of filing bankruptcy because they are spending like a rock star. When you don't make that kind of money, just because you see it on TV doesn't mean you can afford it. Nowadays, with the average American family having $20,000 per household in credit card debt, it's no wonder that the number of those filing bankruptcy continues to increase.

In the past, when people watch TV they knew it wasn't real. When Magnum PI was popular on TV, everyone didn't go out and over extend themselves by buying a new Ferrari. In today's unrealistic society, it probably would have been impossible to even buy one because of the long waiting list.

When watching all the reality shows, the women appear to have perfect lives. They wear only designer clothes and drive luxury automobiles. What the media is portraying is not reality. What the media is portraying is an unsustainable lifestyle by a bunch of phonies. These lifestyles, unless you're Bill Gates, will only lead to a bankruptcy filing. If you read the blogs about the real story behind the scenes on the Real Housewives series you will see financial struggles, divorce, foreclosure and even bankruptcy. If you ask me, that doesn't sound much like a perfect life and it's not one that I want for myself and my family.

The true reality in life is if you spend more money than you make you will end up filing bankruptcy. Trying to finance a lifestyle of individuals you see on TV will leave you empty and broke. If this is the path you have started down, before it's too late, consult a bankruptcy attorney and break the cycle. Filing bankruptcy is not a fix all, but it will stop the creditors from hunting you down to be paid. Living inside your means can be very freeing. Talk with a bankruptcy attorney today and get on the road to becoming debt-free.

The author started DebtFreeBankruptcyAttorney.Com which is a website that helps individuals with debt problems by putting them in touch with a local bankruptcy attorney that specializes in filing bankruptcy under Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 bankruptcy. Check our website for more answers to bankruptcy questions and ideas on how to have a debt free future.

Bad Credit Car Loans: Important Facts You Need to Know

Not all car buyers with lower credit scores are aware of the importance of bad credit car loans. As a matter of fact most of them are not aware that this loan could actually help repair their ruined credit. As a result, those who want to finance a vehicle with below average scores are hesitant in getting loans that they could use in buying a car. Some of them refuse to purchase their vehicles despite the fact that they badly need these. In order to help low credit score holders understand and realize the value of bad credit auto loans, this article enumerates some of the significant information about this and these are the following.

1. This helps repair damaged credit

Only a few car buyers with credit problems know that a bad credit car loan could help them repair their ruined credit. What this loan provides is the opportunity that a bad credit holder to have a financial obligation that he or she could pay so as to allow his or her credit score to rise.

But in this type of loan, the creditor is obliged to pay the monthly premiums on time to allow the credit score to improve. Late payments could further ruin the damaged credit of an individual. Given this, it is proper for the creditor to provide prompt payments until the term ends.

2. Not all lenders offer this loan

Car buyers who are interested in getting this loan should also realize that not all lenders are willing to offer this. The primary reason for this is that the risks involved are great. Bad credit holders are prone to loan default and might run away from their financial obligations.

Due to this, a creditor with below average credit score could possibly obtain this type of loan from specialized lenders, dealerships, and credit unions. However, bad credit holders could easily find this type of loan by consulting some of the car advice offered online or by seeking help from vehicle financing experts.

3. This involves higher premiums

Car loans offered for bad credit holders also involve higher premiums. This is because the interest rates attached to these are relatively higher than any other loan types. Lenders provide higher interests on these to reduce the risk and the possible losses that they would incur in the event that the loan holders run away from their financial obligations.

In order to reduce the monthly premiums, it is advisable to finance a cheap new car using this loan. A cheap new car has a lower price making the amount owed from the lender, the interest rate, and the monthly payments lower.

Marty Bay is an Automotive Journalist and publisher, widely known as a contributor writer, editor, and publisher for some well-known Automotive Properties in the US like Car Finders, Auto Financing, and to name a few. His expertise is in writing news and publishing content that would help New Car Finders, and buyers seeking information about Auto Financing and other New Car related offers, deals, and changes in the industry. He also specializes in producing and publishing New Car Buying Guides for various automotive websites in the United States.

For more bad credit car loan assistance and advice try to check

Homebuying Becoming Easier For First-Timers

Many streets are occupied by seasoned homeowners that settled into homeownership long ago. Until recently, first time homebuyers had a rough go of obtaining funding for their mortgage loan. These days, more moving vans are pulling into the driveway carrying the belongings of that recent college graduate or young couple just starting a family. Regardless of their position in life, more first time homebuyers have begun to take that leap into home ownership.

The turbulent economy has brought wrath on the housing market and personal wallets of many Americans. Foreclosures hit an all-time high a while back and property values began to suffer. More people were finding themselves overwhelmed by debt and seeking the debt relief protection bankruptcy can offer.

Homeownership Looking Good

After all of the ominous news about the economy, many potential homeowners were left feeling doubtful about their chance at successful home ownership. The good news is that recent reports point towards an increase in the number of first time homebuyers. In fact, the number of first time homebuyers has continued to increase for the tenth straight month. In June, an increase of nearly 24 percent was seen, hitting its highest since August of last year.

What is the reason? Many lenders are beginning to loosen up their lending qualifications and open doors to those who, a few years ago, would have been denied a loan at the door.

Sign On The Line

So what has really changed in the mortgage lending industry? For starters, the minimum down payment requirement has been lowered. Most first time homebuyers lack the funds for a large down payment, which had previously flagged them as a risky borrower. Since the standards have been relaxed a bit, many first time homeowners that are otherwise qualified are getting a break in the down payment requirement.

In the past, many lender posed down payment requirements that were stricter than the minimum set by the government. With more lenders offering greater flexibility in lending, first time home buyers are finding it easier to get the chance of a lifetime. Even better is the fact that interest rates continue to hover near their lowest point in over 50 years. The reduction in home prices, low interest rates and lesser down payment requirements, have all contributed to the influx of first time home buyers.

Getting The Best Deal

The only downside to first time homeownership is the lack of knowledge about the process. Seasoned homeowners know how to shop around for the best loan and to review the fine print. With increases in new mortgage trends, first time home buyers may be unaware they aren't getting a fair deal. The biggest mistake new home buyers make is failure to calculate their total monthly expenses associated with homeownership. First time home buyers should consider the following:
Will there be an increase in the rate down the line?If so, how will this affect the monthly payment?Are there any additional costs associated with the loan? For example, mortgage insurance, fees for refinancing down the road etc.What are the exact terms and conditions of the loan? For example, the duration of the loan, payment intervals etc.What is the interest rate based on? For example, the national prime rate, subprime rate etc.

Christopher of Lee Law Firm, understands that financial hardships can affect honest, hard-working people. His early experience growing up in a very blue collar family in a rural area of Indiana, made a significant impression on his business philosophy today. As a child, he watched his family struggle as money didn't come easy and his parent work hard to provide for their family. As a bankruptcy attorney in Dallas, TX his practice has given him the opportunity to directly impact the lives of many people.

Get Approval From The Right On The Spot Finance Dealer

Approval - it's a basic human need. We all want it in life, in every shape and form. And our ability to receive it is usually dependent on a second party. This concept remains true in the financial world as well.

Many banks and large car dealerships are not shy about turning you down for a car loan. If the banks don't like the looks of your credit, your loan is rejected. So sometimes it can be tough to get approved. The bank's focus is on making money and protecting themselves from even the smallest possibility of financial loss. This mentality is what drives them (no pun intended). The same is true for large car dealerships. They just want to put you in a car then fill their pockets. They don't care whether or not you can afford the payments.

Then, we have the on the spot financing (or buy here, pay here) dealers. A few are good to work with, while others can be poor to work with. But don't worry, there are some less judgmental, more accepting, honest and caring buy here, pay here dealers out there. And they want to approve you, for the right reasons. In fact, one dealer in particular proudly states that they will help you get approved in a matter of minutes! They will do everything they can to work out an agreement that works for everyone. But these positive attributes don't necessarily apply to every dealer.

Many dealers' only interest is in taking advantage of good people who have run out of financing options because they just happen to have bad credit. Some of these on the spot finance dealers will do little to benefit you; their focus seems to be solely in their own best interest. These subpar dealers claim to report your on-time payments to credit bureaus, but will only do so when you miss or make a late payment, damaging your credit even more. They don't report anything that works towards your advantage, only your disadvantage. So even if you are making your payments on time, your credit score is not reflecting your positive actions.

Although fast and easy approval is a positive thing for many people, you should still exercise caution. You need to determine for yourself whether or not a dealer is offering quick approval for the right reasons. Are they approving you so they can take advantage of you? Or are they approving you because they want to help you?

CarHop has store locations in twelve states across the U.S. and specializes in helping car buyers with poor or no credit get approved for financing to get them driving again fast. Every CarHop vehicle includes an 18-month, 18,000 mile limited warranty at no extra charge. CarHop is now in its 15th year of pursuing its mission of "Helping People Drive®." For more information, please visit

Bankruptcy - Defined in Terms of Management

Defining Bankruptcy
Bankruptcy of a person or a firm is commonly described as the firm's or an individual's inability to oblige their payments owed to a creditor because of lack of financial funds or property. When an individual or a firm due to lack of funds is not able to clear off their financial credits then a state of insolvency is created, and the person or the firm is treated as Bankrupt financially. Though bankruptcy is of number of types but the most common amongst all is financial bankruptcy as mainly all business firms normally file for their financial bankruptcy in courts.

Types of Bankruptcies
Bankruptcies are of number of types, still in practice there are 6 important bankruptcies which occur due to different situations. The most common is Financial Bankruptcy which includes the dissolution of a firm when their financial funds run out. Medical Bankruptcy occurs when a person's financial condition worsens because of sever e disease which is being operated. Reorganization has its greater importance in investment banking sector as it allows a business firm to reorganize itself by not completely dissolving itself, else giving a chance to rebuild itself. Sometimes the individual property of a firm or a person is sold out by the court officials, to get the money of their debt and a portion of it is being kept away from it and is given back to property holder. When there are international investments, sometimes the foreign investors are unable to clear off their debts in the foreign nation which issued them credit.

Bankruptcy related to Person
When an individual is unable to clear off its debt to a creditor, is referred as Bankruptcy related to a person. When an individual file its bankruptcy in court he is given many ways to get rid of his debts. In one situation the person is asked to maintain its property as it is not being sold away by the court, in that case the person's current assets are being used. It is like cash in hand or any other valuable item which is redeemable at any time when required. In some situations the individuals is asked to pay his debts in installments in a period of some years, with regular installments of certain amount which is judged either by the debtor or the creditors.

Bankruptcy of a business firm
In case of small scale companies and large scale companies, bankruptcy in mainly large scale firms occurs. In small scale bankruptcy seldom occurs. When a firm is not able to pay its debt and other financial needs due to lack of it, it files for bankruptcy in related court. It is also being carried in the same way as the individual bankruptcy is carried but in normally involves involvement of top level attorneys in this execution. Acquiring Liquid assets is the best way for the court to get the money of creditors.

Filing Bankruptcy
When a person or a firm thinks that they are in financial crisis, they go out for filing bankruptcy in related court, which is a legal way to declare them as bankrupt.

How to Finance a Car With Bad Credit

Financing a car with bad credit is challenging. This is because the rates involved are higher and the financing offers are quite limited. However, there are simple ways of how to finance a car with bad credit. All you need to do is consult some of the car advice offered online. In addition to this, you can conduct the needed car research on how to do this. To simplify the procedure, try to consider the steps provided below.

Step 1: Grab the latest copy of your credit report

The first thing that should be conducted before financing a car with bad credit is to obtain the latest copy of your credit report. The report is provided by the credit reporting agencies such as Equifax, Experian, and TrueCredit. You can obtain a free copy of this from each of the agencies through their websites.

However, request for a copy of the report from one of the agencies instead of from all of them since doing this lowers your credit score.

Step 2: Review the entries included in your credit report

Check the entries included in your credit report for possible errors. Try to correct the errors or have the wrong entries removed from your credit record since this will help in improving your credit score.

Make sure to check if you still have delinquent loans that require immediate payments. Settle each of these before getting an additional vehicle financing.

Step 3: Research for the rates that are applicable to your current score

In order to determine the rates that would possibly be offered to you by lenders, try to conduct an online research. This will help you prepare for the rates that you would be paying.

Step 4: Visit some of the new car dealerships in your area

Try to visit some of the new car dealers in your area. Most of these dealerships have credit departments that help bad credit holders in getting financing. Don't forget to bring along your credit report when you pay them a visit. Instead of allowing them to pull your credit report, present the one that you have to them.

Step 5: Finance a cheap new car

Since your credit score is low, try to finance a cheap new car. This helps you obtain lower financing rates. Select a vehicle that is suited to your budget and on the parameters of the loan offered to you.

Step 6: Know the policies involved in the financing

Try to understand the policies involved before signing the financing contract. Ask questions if there are things that you don't understand. Take note of the rates involved in the financing. Since you already conducted your research, you can easily determine if the rates offered by lenders are high.

Step 7: Pay the premiums on time

As soon as you obtained the car as well as the financing, make sure to pay the premiums on time. This would help you improve your credit and pay the financing off on time.

Marty Bay is an Automotive Journalist and publisher, widely known as a contributor writer, editor, and publisher for some well-known Automotive Properties in the US like Car Finder, Auto Financing, and AboutCar to name a few. His expertise is in writing news and publishing content that would help New Car Finders, and buyers seeking information about Auto Financing and other New Car related offers, deals, and changes in the industry. He also specialises in producing and publishing New Car Buying Guides for various automotive websites in the United States.

Try to visit for more information on how to finance a car with bad credit.

Try to visit for more car advice and car research tips.

Use Discretion When Reaffirming Debts in Bankruptcy

Debtors have three options with respect to collateral in chapter 7 bankruptcy. Debtors can surrender the collateral back to the creditor without further obligation, redeem the collateral by paying the creditor the market value of the asset, or keep the collateral by agreeing to continue making payments by way of a reaffirmation.

A reaffirmation agreement is a new promise to continue making the payments, thereby allowing the debtor to retain the collateral. This agreement is entered into post-bankruptcy, which means the debtors are renewing their obligation to make payments. Failure to continue making timely payments as set forth in the reaffirmation agreement and the creditor can repossess the collateral and possibly sue the debtor for any deficiency owed.

In order to be approved by the court, a reaffirmation agreement must (1) be in the best interest of the debtor and (2) not pose an undue hardship on the debtor. If the debtor has an attorney, the attorney may sign the reaffirmation certifying the agreement is in the best interest of the debtor and does not pose any undue hardship, and no further hearing is required.

If the debtor is unrepresented, or if debtor's attorney will not certify the agreement, a hearing will be required and the presiding bankruptcy judge will review the reaffirmation agreement to determine its acceptability.

Much deliberation should be exercised prior to reaffirming a debt. In cases where the balance owed to the creditor is much greater than the value of the collateral, or when the interest rate on the loan is on the high side, surrendering the collateral may be the right choice. If the debtor is represented by a bankruptcy attorney the attorney should attempt to negotiate with the creditor to secure more favorable terms on the loan.

Before deciding whether to sign a reaffirmation debtors should discuss the matter with an experienced Gainesville bankruptcy lawyer.

How Can I Escape Bankruptcy?

Kim and her husband were teetering on the edge of financial ruin just months ago after a decline in the car-buying market cut his salary nearly in half. He worked as a trucker hauling cars for a living. Kim says they began to worry about how they would make ends meet. Were they saying, "I can become a millionaire!", no, they were just thinking about survival. The need and drive to just survive sparked something in Kim and they forged ahead in a wonderful adventure.

I'm getting ahead of myself, so let's back up a bit. Formerly a nine-to-five corporate employee, Kim had decided to quit her job there and pursue her business after her family experienced amazing success with the products. Her 17-year-old son greatly improved his health and mental clarity and she lost 50 pounds and was able to kick her 15-sodas-a-day habit. She was convinced that she needed to share the products with others and believed she could make a decent income at it. The products are just outstanding and my family's success was so great, it was easy to talk with people about all the positive things that were going on for us.

"Ironically, I've still had family members ask me why I don't get a job," says Kim with a laugh. "But I couldn't be generating the income or the financial freedom I have with my own business at a nine-to-five job. It just wasn't an option anymore. Besides, Kim has a career, maybe not the way some family thinks it should be done, but really much better.

Now Kim is setting her goals high. A few of her major ones include creating 10, six-figure earners and retiring her husband from his job. She confesses that at her former job her husband was never able to set a "freedom date" because he hadn't witnessed the incredible results physically or financially the way he has now.

"My business has continued to thrive in the midst of this challenging economy and he's seen that it's practically recession-proof," shares Kim. "All of these things have built his belief in me and in the company."

She says it's key to not only share the products with people you connect with, but also the business opportunity, especially in these tough economic times.

"The best part is this company has made it so simple to build your business with all of the tools that are available. They've got all of the bases covered and made it very simple even for people who've never done network marketing before," says Kim.

Bette Laughrun is an author, successful entrepreneur and self-made millionaire. She teaches people of all ages to achieve their full potential and stop living on the sidelines. Bette offers mentoring in wealth building.  Her Millionaire Apprenticeship Program  and mini-mentoring video series is available at

Child Support Non-Dischargeable by Bankruptcy

Finances are something that every family worries about at some point. With the different monthly bills that families have to pay, it is no wonder that many people struggle to pay the bills. The economy and job loss has not made paying those bills any easier. Sadly, a large number of families have now found themselves upside down on their homes with the recent collapse of the housing market. This means that they owe more money of their home than it is actually worth or than they can sell it for. That fact, combined with the high amount of unemployment has made it almost impossible for many families to keep up with what they owe. The inability to pay the bills and keep up with what you owe may force you into bankruptcy in some situations.

Bankruptcy has become increasingly popular but should only be used as an option of last resort. Many people rush into the process without getting properly informed on what the process consists of and how it can impact the rest of your life. Something that people do not realize is that just because you file bankruptcy it does not mean that all of your debts will be forgiven. There are a few different types of monetary obligations that you cannot escape including child support and student loans to name a few.

One debt that many people forget to take into consideration is child support. Child support is non-dischargeable by bankruptcy, meaning that you cannot be forgiven for the debt that you owe associated with child support. The support that these payments give to dependents is very important and should not be forgiven even in extreme financial situations. Even in extreme monetary struggles, these payments can mean life and death for dependents, without which they may not be able to afford life's necessities. The bankruptcy laws rightly require that these payments continue despite a pending or approved bankruptcy.

If you have questions about debts that can and cannot be forgiven by bankruptcy, you would likely benefit by hiring an San Antonio bankruptcy lawyer to help you through the process. A bankruptcy lawyer has experience with bankruptcy cases that you do not and can answer any questions that you have. A lawyer can also help you through the process of bankruptcy and in meeting all of the laws and other requirements that are associated with filing for bankruptcy.

Jeff Davis is the Owner of the Davis law firm, and a highly experienced San Antonio bankruptcy attorney. To find out more information about a San Antonio bankruptcy lawyer, please visit

The Different Methods of Business Car Finance

Nowadays, it is very seldom that one pays for a car in cash. This is the reason why people are going for car financing as a means of paying for their own vehicle. There are several options available for auto financing from which one can choose from. With auto financing, even a middle income individual can purchase a car by subtracting a certain amount from one's monthly income and by paying a down payment that is within one's means.

Some Benefits of Auto Financing

Apart from enabling a greater number of people to obtain the convenience of having a personal car, it also makes a person capable of saving some amount of money in the process. In some localities, a person who has availed of auto financing will be afforded the benefit of getting the tax deductibles. This will decrease the amount that will be considered as taxable from one's monthly income. Should you want to put the car up for sale after all the loan payments have been completed, it will usually be easy for you to find buyers.

Kinds of Auto Financing

Because different individuals have different budgets, different credit histories, and different car preferences, there are also several classifications of automotive finance. This was done to ensure that there will be something which will suit one's own needs, preferences, and financial capabilities. There are currently two general classifications of auto finance and these are business and personal car financing. Let us take a look at some of the basic types of business auto financing options.

Car Leasing

With a car lease, the financing institution will be the one who will pay for the car. The individual will be the leasing the car from the financier and this will be in accordance with what they have mutually agreed upon. There will be a specified duration of when this lease will be played. Should there be any amount of left unpaid at the end of the lease, the person concerned will be the one who will pay for it.

Chattel Mortgage

The financing institution will buy the vehicle under the person's name. The individual will then be paying the regular dues for it along with the additional charges. Although the actual ownership of the car has been placed under the name of the customer, he does not have the full rights over the vehicle. If he omits to make the required payment, the financier has the right to take the car.

Looking for information on how to organize your car finance, then visit Car Finance Australia. We provide all the information that you will need to make sure that you can save money with your car loan.

Chapter 9 Bankruptcy For Municipalities

Many people are familiar with personal bankruptcy cases, which are known as Chapter 7 and Chapter 13. Chapter 7 allows an individual to eliminate their debts, while Chapter 13 repays the debts through a structured payment plan. Both types can provide financial relief while protecting a person's assets. In business, bankruptcy protection is offered through either a Chapter 7 or through a Chapter 11 restructuring process. A business can opt to close the business and liquidate its assets in efforts to satisfy their debts through Chapter 7, or may remain in operation and reorganize their debts through a Chapter 11 repayment plan. But what happens to bigger entities when they become overburdened by debt?

What Is Chapter 9 Bankruptcy?

A Chapter 9 bankruptcy provides debt restructuring and asset protection to cities, or municipalities. When a city government becomes overburdened by debt, they have the option to reorganize their funds and develop a debt repayment plan. There is no liquidation option available to municipalities and the hardest part of a city entering into bankruptcy is the debt negotiation process. All of the creditors want to stake their claim to monies being repaid and coming to an agreement with so many creditors at once can often be difficult. Even further, cities are still responsible for paying bills, funding programs and keeping the city profitable. When a municipality seeks bankruptcy, their mission has to be less about the creditors and focused more towards the citizens.

Chapter 9 Benefits

A financially strapped city has many challenges ahead; fortunately, Chapter 9 offers many benefits to resolving their debts over managing the problems alone. As in any bankruptcy case, a Chapter 9 will issue an automatic stay order, which will cease all collection efforts. Many times, cities get flooded with lawsuits by creditors when they cannot pay their debts. More lawsuits equal more money and, therefore, more debt. Chapter 9 puts a stop to collections and prohibits creditors from filing any further lawsuits.

In Chapter 9, the city holds the negotiating power, not the creditors. The repayment plan must be developed by the municipality and submitted to the creditors. Creditors are not allowed to submit their own plans for repayment. Also, there is very little interference from the bankruptcy court in a Chapter 9 case, which can facilitate the process much faster. The court also cannot force the city to sell assets, obtain a trustee or dictate much of how the Chapter 9 plan will work.

In the event the city needs to cut funding or increase revenue, a Chapter 9 plan allows them to change, or amend, municipal contracts. This includes union contracts, labor contracts and can reduce city expenses. However, this usually comes at a cost as the pension or benefits of such contracted workers are reduced in these contractual changes.

Chapter 9 Disadvantages

As in any bankruptcy case, even a Chapter 9 has a few minor pitfalls. Obtaining a discharge in Chapter 9 can be difficult as the eligibility criteria can be restrictive. Furthermore, successfully completing a Chapter 9 can be expensive when high-priced counsel is used. Municipalities often leave with a compromised credit standing and acquiring new sources of credit can be difficult. Many times, cities are forced to turn to private investors to help them "get back on their feet" after a Chapter 9.

The Lee Law Firm aims to provide local residents with high quality legal representation at affordable rates. Their attorneys specialize in all aspects of Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 Bankruptcy. As bankruptcy lawyers in Dallas, the Lee Law Firm attorneys understand the pressures their clients face as the battle a financial hardship.

Find a Bankruptcy Lawyer to Solve Your Problems

The instances of bankruptcy have shown a dramatic increase in the United States over the past few years. The main reason behind this is the worldwide economic crisis that has plagued this country as well. People have had to go through many long spells of unemployment due to their employers closing their businesses. Businesses have been shut down due to losses they suffered as a result of the much reduced demand for their goods and services. In addition to this, there are many other reasons why people may have to go through the process of bankruptcy. Whatever the reason may be, one fact is pretty clear: you need to file your case for bankruptcy in a highly effective manner with the help of a professional to ensure that there are no loopholes in it for the judges in the court.

One of the major reasons why people often have to succumb to bankruptcy is the inability to pay off loans in time. People take loans for a variety of purposes, and if they are not able to make the payments within the specified time period, the amount of the loan builds up due to the addition of interest. If they are still unable to pay off the loan, the bank or other financial institution from which the loan was taken will take some action against you. For instance, if the loan was secured, the institution will seize the asset against which the loan was secured and this will result in a major loss for you.

However, in the case that the loan is not secured, the debtor will have to face other long term consequences. An example of this is a major fall in credit rating due to non-payment of loans. A poor credit rating in turn implies that you will be unable to get loans with favorable conditions in the future from other financial institutions. Even if you do manage to get a loan, probably you will have to pay soaring interest rates on it, which would just add to the financial burden and increase your risk of default again. You will again be forced to declare a bankruptcy in this case. Precisely for this reason, the demand for bankruptcy lawyers has increased tremendously. These lawyers will help you through any kind of financial problems, no matter how small or big they may be. Since bankruptcy attorneys are a small scale business, they are better able to communicate with their clients on a daily basis and keep them updated on the status of their bankruptcy claim.

People often find themselves in financial troubles without knowing how to get out of them. They do not possess the relevant information that would help them solve their financial issues. For this reason, consulting a bankruptcy lawyer is the best option as they will inform you of all the laws as well as other specifications of the entire process of bankruptcy. They will also educate you on the root causes of your particular case of bankruptcy, the other types that you may be vulnerable to, and all the necessary steps you need to take to avoid this situation again in your life and keep your financial condition stable.

Most bankruptcy lawyers offer consultancy services to their clients for free, and after some sort of negotiation has been made, the lawyers charge a decided fee. The duty of the bankruptcy lawyer is to relieve you of all your debts and get your life back on track. A good and reputable lawyer should be hired for this purpose.

About the Author:
The San Jose Bankruptcy lawyer will definitely help those people if they have filed for bankruptcy so that, the common people do not get over burdened with the debt which will be impossible for them to pay back
Click here for Bankruptcy Attorney in San Jose

What Are Your Car Finance Payments Really Made Up Of?

Before getting car finance many people will use an online car finance calculator to find out how much their loan repayments will be. But when they have been given an approval the payments can be significantly higher than expected. The difference can be explained by having a look at what makes up your weekly or monthly finance repayments.

The reason behind the difference in what the calculator shows and the actual repayments is because the online calculator is giving you only a guide of what the principal - the amount for the purchase of the car, and the interest repayments will be. But when you are paying off a loan there are other expenses included in the repayments.

The loan repayments will include any fees and charges that are part of the loan. These are normally include a monthly account fee and often will include a loan setup fee, the cost of which is spread across the lifetime of the loan. These fees whilst not normally excessive can add up to make a noticeable difference.

These fees and charges are at fixed amount and you can see on the loan contracts and documentation exactly what they will be over the lifetime of your loan. You can in some cases choose to pay these at the start of you loan in a lump sum this will allow you to avoid paying any interest on them. This can bring those repayments closer to what you may have originally expected.

There is a wide range of extras that can be included in your car finance including warranties, gap insurances, consumer credit insurance, comprehensive insurances and many more. The cost of these insurance policies will depend on the loan particulars but the cost will be once again spread across the life of the loan and increase the repayment amount. You might for example get consumer credit insurance which can be quite expensive and may add an extra $3000 to your loan amount which spread over a 5 year term will add an extra approx $43 to a monthly repayment amount.

The bonus for a borrower is that any of these extras must be shown on the loan documentation and contract so a borrower can choose if they can afford the repayments before signing into any finance. Likewise there generally will be a breakdown of the fees and charges laid out in an easy to read manner so a borrower can make an informed choice before committing to the finance.

Car finance can be a complicated process so to help an applicant be more informed Finance HQ has a range of articles and tools so a borrower can make the best car finance decision.

Off to the Bankruptcy Meeting of Creditors You Must Go

Many times a debtor in a Chapter 7 bankruptcy case asks their bankruptcy attorney if they have to attend the Meeting of Creditors. After all, can't you as my attorney go for me? The answer is No. The debtor himself must attend the meeting.

There are many reasons for this requirement. As we try to understand this rule, it is good to keep in mind that bankruptcy is quite different from other areas of the law. Bankruptcy is a unique area of law. It is not criminal, though criminal charges could be brought against a debtor or creditor. It is not a civil lawsuit that pits one party against another. Though of course, a debtor can sue a creditor for civil type wrongs within the bankruptcy case itself.

Bankruptcy is also not a divorce court. Still it often does involve one or both spouses filing for their own bankruptcy while the divorce case is ongoing. Bankruptcy often does involve the continued operations or final shut down of businesses.

So with all of the above in mind, let us go to the next point. The next point is that the bankruptcy debtor must testify under oath both in written form and orally. The written testimony of the debtor is contained in the written bankruptcy forms that are filed with the court. The oral testimony of the debtor comes at the hearing. At the hearing the debtor is placed under oath prior to any questions and answers.

Debtors are sworn in prior to giving testimony at the Meeting Of Creditors. Attorneys are sworn in only when they are admitted to the State Bar. Afterwards they are licensed and expected to tell the truth at all times. For one of their roles is as an officer of the court. Compare that to a debtor or any other party who is expected to only represent their own interests in the legal matter before the court.

A bankruptcy proceeding has the goal of giving the debtor a fresh financial start in life. Before getting that fresh start, the debtor is expected to testify regarding the past, current, and future financial aspects of their life. Only the debtor knows that information inside and out. That information is part of the world in which the debtor has lived and struggled for a number of years prior to having to file for bankruptcy protection.

Even in a bankruptcy case a bankruptcy attorney is expected to provide legal advice and guidance. Plus, he is expected to protect and defend his client as the need may arise. Clearly the bankruptcy attorney would be placed in an untenable position if he was expected to testify and yet refuse to answer the question on his own advise. Therefore, the way to keep these two roles of debtor and bankruptcy attorney separate is to have the debtor/client appear and testify at the hearing.

Another unobvious reason for the required debtor appearance is to instill fear in the debtor once they enter in court. Of course the idea is to help "encourage" the debtor to respect the bankruptcy court and tell the truth.

The author started FilingBankruptcyNow.Com which is a website that helps individuals with debt problems by putting them in touch with a local bankruptcy attorney that specializes in filing bankruptcy under Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 bankruptcy. Check our website for more answers to bankruptcy questions and ideas on how to have a debt free future.

What Do I Need To Know When I Call a Bankruptcy Attorney?

Many people I speak to each day call me about their financial problems, but have no idea what to expect from a bankruptcy attorney. The typical situation is this: Person calls and says, I need help with a bankruptcy. I ask: Who do you owe money to? Answer: I don't know, lots of people. That's not enough to have a good, productive conversation with a bankruptcy attorney. So, rule number one: Know who you owe, and for what. This isn't just you owing your uncle, or parents for the help they gave you in the past. The conversation will be about which companies you owe. Most people, by the time they call a lawyer, have at least one pressing problem. Like, for instance, a lawsuit, or a wage deduction summons (garnishment). So you will have that on your mind. You need to gather up any papers you got from the lawsuit. But, don't stop there. You need to look for your other bills, all of them!

Bankruptcy is a process that involves your whole financial picture. So that means you need to have an idea of which company you pay for each thing you own, or are paying for: Your house- name, amount of mortgage payment each month, and whether that payment includes taxes and/or insurance. Are you up-to-date in the payments on your house? If not, how many months did you miss? Your car(s). Which company do you owe? How much are the payments? And how many months are left (or what is the balance)? Most of the time, people want to keep their house and car(s). Even though you want to keep that thing, you still need to discuss the payments with your attorney. This will be factored into any discussion of a possible bankruptcy case. You also need to have ready: how much you owe the IRS and state taxing authority for income or other kinds of taxes. We also need to discuss this, and many times a bankruptcy filing can help with tax bills. Most of the time, you have to pay them, but bankruptcy can help you get a temporary break or a better payment plan.

Then, you need to remember all of those other pesky bills, like credit cards, and medical bills, that you still owe. Some of the credit cards you may still be paying on each month. Some other ones, you may have forgotten about because you stopped paying a long time ago. Regardless, all are important to tell your attorney about. Even if you want to keep a small account with a department store, or other company, you need to include it, and bring it in. Besides, I'll run a credit report and all of those bills will show up anyway. If you run a credit report, why do I need to give you any bills? Because, not all bills show up on credit reports. It is up to each creditor to make periodic reports on your payment history. But not all companies do this. For example, most medical bills don't show up on credit reports. They will show up if you are sued, but, before that, most medical creditors don't report their bills regularly. So have as many bills as you can find ready to talk about. The purpose of the first call is for you to have an idea of whether the attorney can help you, and, if so, what to bring in so we can review it to see what your options will be. If you are well-prepared for that first call, you'll be ready to set up a consultation with one of our attorneys.

Daniel J Winter
53 W. Jackson Boulevard, Suite 725
Chicago, IL 60604
fax 312-663-1312

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