Saturday, August 27, 2011

How Can I Escape Bankruptcy?

Kim and her husband were teetering on the edge of financial ruin just months ago after a decline in the car-buying market cut his salary nearly in half. He worked as a trucker hauling cars for a living. Kim says they began to worry about how they would make ends meet. Were they saying, "I can become a millionaire!", no, they were just thinking about survival. The need and drive to just survive sparked something in Kim and they forged ahead in a wonderful adventure.

I'm getting ahead of myself, so let's back up a bit. Formerly a nine-to-five corporate employee, Kim had decided to quit her job there and pursue her business after her family experienced amazing success with the products. Her 17-year-old son greatly improved his health and mental clarity and she lost 50 pounds and was able to kick her 15-sodas-a-day habit. She was convinced that she needed to share the products with others and believed she could make a decent income at it. The products are just outstanding and my family's success was so great, it was easy to talk with people about all the positive things that were going on for us.

"Ironically, I've still had family members ask me why I don't get a job," says Kim with a laugh. "But I couldn't be generating the income or the financial freedom I have with my own business at a nine-to-five job. It just wasn't an option anymore. Besides, Kim has a career, maybe not the way some family thinks it should be done, but really much better.

Now Kim is setting her goals high. A few of her major ones include creating 10, six-figure earners and retiring her husband from his job. She confesses that at her former job her husband was never able to set a "freedom date" because he hadn't witnessed the incredible results physically or financially the way he has now.

"My business has continued to thrive in the midst of this challenging economy and he's seen that it's practically recession-proof," shares Kim. "All of these things have built his belief in me and in the company."

She says it's key to not only share the products with people you connect with, but also the business opportunity, especially in these tough economic times.

"The best part is this company has made it so simple to build your business with all of the tools that are available. They've got all of the bases covered and made it very simple even for people who've never done network marketing before," says Kim.

Bette Laughrun is an author, successful entrepreneur and self-made millionaire. She teaches people of all ages to achieve their full potential and stop living on the sidelines. Bette offers mentoring in wealth building.  Her Millionaire Apprenticeship Program  and mini-mentoring video series is available at


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